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movies direct


Saturday 24 August 2019

Wizard of Oz

Today, Hollywood has the embellishments to dispatch Brad Pitt into space, the refined wellbeing gauges to limit hurt on set, and (at long last) the inspiration to push for greater fairness before and behind the camera. Yet, in 1939,

when The Wizard of Oz was being shot at MGM, the industry was a considerably more crude spot. As indicated by Aljean Harmetz's intriguing 1977 book, The Making of The Wizard of Oz, Frank Morgan—the on-screen character playing the title character—came to set with a minibar in his attaché. Of the film's 10 primary cast individuals, 16-year-old star Judy Garland got the second-most reduced compensation—making more than just her canine buddy, Terry, who played Toto. What's more, heap wounds and torments were endured on set that sound, in all honesty, stunning in light of present day innovation and H.R. arrangements.

In honor of the film’s 80th anniversary, here’s a look back at a few shocking behind-the-scenes anecdotes that have not aged nearly as well as the film itself.

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