movies direct

movies direct


Saturday 1 November 2014


Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill is the most recent actor to join the iconic Superman evolution. With the movie, 'Man of Steel' comes a few changes: a modified costume and the first Superman movie to be available in 3D.

Cavill was born on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. The actor had been set to play Superman in McG's 2004 film, 'Superman: Flyby', however, McG pulled out of the project and direction was taken over by director Bryan Singer, who chose to recast Brandon Routh as the lead in 'Superman Returns'.

On 30 January 2011, it was announced that Cavill had been cast in the role of Superman in director Zack Snyder's production, 'Man of Steel'. The director stated that Henry Cavill was the most perfect choice for the role.

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