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Thursday 18 July 2019

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has got $ 18 million in a year and is ranked the richest celebrity.

American magazine Forbes has released a list of 100 most earning figures, in which Taylor Swift has been declared the most earning celeb in a year.Taylor Swift's earnings increased by 131 percent in 2019, which was $ 8 million in 2018, which is the highest earner of the actress.Kelly Jenner is the biggest name of the world's top-up world in the list of the most earning figures: before 2016, Taylor Swift was declared the highest earning celebrity with $ 17 million.The second highest number of make-up worlds in the list of the most earning figures is Kelly Jenner who earned $ 17 million in 2019.The third singer in this list is American singer and fashion designer Canie West on third with 15 million dollars.

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